ting things

Perfecting the art of SEO, one keyword at a time!

Tabooed words: Black hat techniques, keyword stuffing, heightened keyword density K Of all the services we offer, this one is our favourite. It gives us the scientist-wala feel, with all the amazing jingo – meta, canonical, etc etc.


If you are looking out for an SEO agency in Mumbai, you can shut all those other tabs and buckle in. When it comes to search engine optimization, we believe you are the star and we’ll do all we can to get the right audience for your rocking performance. With eight years of providing SEO service in Mumbai and many other parts of the country, we have a solution for all your on-page and off-page SEO needs, be it app store optimization, conversion optimization, SEO strategy, or keyword optimized content that is relevant to your target audience.



Well, we don’t call ourselves SEO experts… some of our clients do though, in fact they call us one of the best SEO agencies in Mumbai! We think they’re being a bit too generous there but hey, who doesn’t like a compliment! We understand that no two clients are alike and hence we believe in coming up with custom SEO services that are tailor-made for your brand’s specific needs. Our team consists of a bunch of dedicated SEO specialists who are skilled in different aspects of search engine optimization. Shortcuts, of course, are great if you’re taking a long hike up a hill, but when it comes to SEO - we rely on true and tested methods to ensure you get the results you need. And no, our team is not full of the typical number nerds, they, in fact, are very cool! Some of them geek out on MS Excel sheets too! Okay, that might not sound very cool but if you ever look at their Excel sheets, you’ll know what we’re talking about. Yeah, we are all nerds here. 🤷

We perform a thorough and in-depth analysis of your brand, your marketing goals and your SEO potential, to show you exactly how you can further your brand story through search engine optimization. So, need an agency that provides flawless SEO services in Mumbai? We’re waiting for that call!